Apr 11, 2021

Types of Visual Content- Most Important for Your Marketing

A captivating headline will draw you in. A good opening line – a hook – will entice you to keep reading. And a well-placed, eye-catching visual will keep you focused and will be remembered long after the words you read have been forgotten. Have you already started a content marketing campaign for your business? Successful content marketing increases the engagement rate and stimulates growth. However, have you stuck only to text-based content? In the modern digital landscape, visual content is gaining more importance.

Have you already started a content marketing campaign for your business? Successful content marketing increases the engagement rate and stimulates growth. However, have you stuck only to text-based content? In the modern digital landscape, visual content is gaining more importance.

Interestingly, our brain can process visual information very fast. Thus, let your target audience be visual learners. But, which type of visual content will be most effective for content marketing? Leonix Studios has a team of professionals to help you in making the marketing campaign successful. Still, it is better to learn about the visual content of different categories.

Publish the most stunning images on your website

We know that you have already posted text-based content on your website. However, we would split the textual content into two parts and insert the most compelling images in the right place. There are stock photos available free of cost. But, you need to ensure that these images look professional.

Almost any image can communicate fast.Nevertheless, you have to use signature-branded images. The primary reasons for using images are to-

·     Engage more customers and prospects

·     Make the content easily interpretable

·     Develop trust and liability

·     Convey brand personality

Post useful and engaging videos

Videos are the best weapons to solve your customers’ queries about your products. With a video, you can demonstrate how your product works. For instance, a video posted on the website’s landing page can increase the conversion rate by more than 80%.

You may also create videos on tutorials and customer testimonials. Rely on our professional team to develop the most effective video marketing strategy.

You can publish videos on your website, blog, and any other platform. However, to post videos on social media platforms, we focus on the video length.

·     Instagram videos- 30 seconds

·     Facebookvideos- 1 minute

·     Twitter videos- 45 seconds

·     YouTube videos- 2 minutes

Create infographics with highly accurate information

Infographics are the best tool to reveal complex statistical data. You can publish infographics n social platforms and landing pages. However, it is essential to use the right fonts, shapes, and colors to design infographics. Choose authentic sources to find data included in infographics.

Nowadays, bloggers love infographics to promote their content effectively. Moreover, with infographics, you can find an increasing number of social media shares.

Screenshots-Make them search-optimized

How do you back up your claims while writing the sales content? Screenshots can be the perfect solution in this situation. You may also take a screenshot of your customer testimonials and publish them on different platforms to increase credibility.

In most cases, marketers use screenshots to promote an app. The clear visual verification makes it easy for the viewer to know the product.

Meme-Publish images in a different way

Have you found images with humorous captions? Most marketers do not know that memes play an essential role in your digital content marketing campaign.

In the past, memes were popular among students, as they used to provide entertainment. But, they are easy-to-create visual content. You may stimulate positive emotions by designing memes. You can distinguish your content in the digital world. However, memes are the best choice when your target demographics constitute youngsters. Build a community, post memes, and make everyone laugh.

Now, you can leverage benefits from visual content for marketing campaigns. Retain more customers with visual elements. To increase the chance of getting the desired results, you can contact Leonix Studios.We have the most dedicated and highly qualified content marketers to make your campaign successful. Hire our professionals to find the best outcome from your campaign.

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